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An important part of cooking is having a well stocked pantry. Make sure you have what you need with our free resource guide.

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Sautes and Pan Sauces

Volume 1
Sautés & Pan Sauces

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Soups & Stock

Volume 2
Soups & Stocks

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Volume 3

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It's Not Food, It's War™

We're all pretty savvy - do we really need coaching on how to eat? The standard American diet (SAD), level of poor nutrition, chronic health conditions and the U.S. epidemic of obesity would suggest that we don't know how to eat at all. From chemicals to pesticides to GMOs (genetically modified foods) there is a lack of transparency and knowledge about what we call "food." In my upcoming series "This is Not Food, This is War™" I will educate you on the evolution of our "food system," how it is supported, how it largely fails in providing our basic nutritional needs and how to vote to change it! We have the power...we just need enlightenment on how to implement it. Ultimately, the foods we eat, their nutritional density and the health of our food system are driven by one thing: the way in which we, as consumers, vote for our food choices with our forks every day. Stay tuned for more information!